9th & 10th October 2024 in Düsseldorf

Nicola Magrone

Nicola Magrone

Nicola Magrone

E80 Group

After more than 2 decades of experience in senior positions as an expert in sales and management, he brings an impressive track record and depth knowledge. His expertise extends across many sectors of Industry 4.0 and is characterized by extensive knowledge of robotics and automation technology.

His strengths are hands-on mentality and his ability for strategic business development, which stems from his technical background and MBA degree.

He is currently responsible as Sales Director at E80 Group S.p.A. for the development and expansion of sales activities in the DACH Area. Together with his team, he develops tailor-made solutions for the development of integrated and fully automated factories in close collaboration with customers and partners.

With his look into the future of automation, he provides a “sneak-preview” into the fascinating developments that are coming soon.

Represented in the following tracks at the next event:

Nicola Magrone and many more register for the Mobile Robotics Summit now!