8th & 9th October 2025 in Düsseldorf

Sebastian Stute

Sebastian Stute

Sebastian Stute


Sebastian Stute began years ago with the digitization of business models through e- commerce and has since accompanied the digital transformation of many companies. During this time, the steadily increasing need for real-time information in the supply chain became increasingly evident and urgent. The search for a suitable technology eventually led to asset tracking. Today, as the CEO of SmartMakers, he and his team offer end-to-end solutions based on a technology that allows companies to network their assets and control and monitor them with real-time data. With complete solutions comprising expertise, software, and hardware, logisticians benefit from increased efficiency and transparency in their supply chain.

Represented in the following tracks at the Mobile Robotics Summit:

  • 2023 MAIN STAGE: Logistics Summit Startup Awards 2023 powered by BLG - SmartMakers

  • 2023 MAIN STAGE: Logistics Summit Startup Awards powered by BLG, Part 3

Sebastian Stute and many more register for the Mobile Robotics Summit now!