9th & 10th October 2024 in Düsseldorf

Robert Verhoeven

Robert Verhoeven

Robert Verhoeven

DistriSort Projects BV

Robert is born in 1969 in the Netherlands, is Sales Manager at Distrisort Projects BV since 2021 and responsible for Integrated High Speed Sorting Solutions In the DACH Region. His knowledge and experience about fully- and semiautomated intralogistics solutions are based on a lot of realized order fulfilment solutions at well-known leading companies for the last 30 years. Robert completed several studies for Logistics, Economics & Management in the Netherlands and Germany.

Represented in the following tracks at the next event:

Represented in the following tracks at the Mobile Robotics Summit:

  • 2023 ZUGSPITZE MASTERCLASSES: Efficient sorting- and order fulfilment to serve your customers.

Robert Verhoeven and many more register for the Mobile Robotics Summit now!