9th & 10th October 2024 in Düsseldorf

Verena Ehrler

Verena Ehrler

Verena Ehrler

IÉSEG School of Management

Following her diploma in management and economics from St. Gallen University, Switzerland, Verena worked for over 15 years in the logistics and transport industry in Switzerland and in the UK. Building on this industry experience, she completed her PhD in transport research at the Technical University of Berlin in 2011. Since 2010, Verena has been working in research, first at the DLR Institute of Transport Research in Berlin, then since 2018 at the University Gustave Eiffel in Lille, France. On September 2022, she joined the IÉSEG School of Management in Lille and Paris, as a professor of supply chain management and logistics.

Verena's main research interests are supply chain sustainability and the analysis of complex logistics structures. Current project work focuses on the standardisation of transport chain emission calculations, electric vehicles for commercial transport, the impact of digitalisation on logistics structures and urban transport. Verena is coordinator of the TDA Urban Transport Interest Group and leads the ISO 14083 work on greenhouse gas emissions from transport activities.

Represented in the following tracks at the next event:

Represented in the following tracks at the Mobile Robotics Summit:

  • 2022 MAIN STAGE: Sustainability in logistics

Verena Ehrler and many more register for the Mobile Robotics Summit now!